Candidate Information
Candidates / students will be required to bring with
them the following on the examination day,
Hair brush,
Hair spray
Regulation uniform (this will be inspected one week before the examination day to meet the required standards of school uniform).
If you do not have the required uniform (which you
should) please order from the online store.
We will try and make sure that it arrives in time for the examination. Please remember you are representing the School / Academy at examinations. If you do not present yourself with the regulation uniform you will be charged for any costs incurred by the school / academy for replacement of items that are deemed unacceptable i.e. ladders in tights.
No make up, nail varnish or jewellery is permitted
during the examination so please ensure it is not worn.
R.A.D. Ballet Examination
Mock Exams: 2 Sundays prior to exam date
Examination dates : TBA
Venue : St. Mark's Community Centre, St. Mark's Road, Widcombe.
Following Examination session
Summer : TBA
I.S.T.D. Modern/Tap Examination
Venue : St. Mark's Community Centre, St. Mark's Road, Widcombe.
Examination Date : TBA
Venue : St. Mark's Community Centre, St. Mark's Road, Widcombe.